The Mescalero Apache Tribal Gaming Commission is an independent gaming regulatory agency for the federally recognized sovereign government of the Mescalero Apache Tribe. The Commission reports directly to the Tribal Government and, therefore, has no reporting relationship to the Casino or its Management.
The Commission is established by Tribal Ordinance (Law) and has set the highest standards for integrity and honesty in how gaming activities are conducted.
Tribal Gaming Regulators take their responsibilities very seriously. They work very hard to ensure the integrity of Indian Gaming and that it is conducted honestly and fairly for the gaming public. They also work hard to ensure the safety and welfare of patrons and employees. We have an obligation to earn the trust and confidence of the gaming public and to protect tribal gaming operations from illegal activities or attempted infiltration by undesirable or criminal elements.
Background Investigations/Licensing
Processes applications and conducts background investigations on team members (gaming & non-gaming) and vendors.
Ensures that team members, patrons and casinos adhere and comply with internal controls, policies, procedures, regulations, & laws; monitors the gaming operation on the gaming floor; provides assistance with resolving gaming disputes, prevents cheating, fraud, and theft; conducts investigations regarding illegal acts or violations.
Responsible Gaming Program
Educates the public and team members about gambling responsibly, is a resource for those with a gambling problem and provides training to team members. http://mescaleroresponsiblegaming.org/
Conducts compliance audits, investigates variances, reviews and approves proposed casino promotions, and helps develop policies & procedures and internal controls.
Monitors & records all activities & incidents on a 24/7 basis, tracks individuals and groups, tracks gameplay on the casino floor, reports violations to management, reports incidents & emergencies to gaming agents and/or security.
Appointed by the Tribal President and confirmed by the Tribal Council. Currently five part-time Commissioners on the Board – all Tribal members. Main Functions are to determine the suitability of applicants for a gaming license, promulgate rules & regulations, and preside over hearings.